Book info, including free downloads of A Poke In The Faith and Signposts to God A selection of book reviews and deliberations on mostly Christian topics If you like people’s life-stories, mine’s here for you to read at leisure A paper giving my perspective on the ‘Restoration’ movement in the UK Summaries of some key books reviewed on my blog pages
David Matthew
Signposts to God SOUND FILES (mp3)
Individual chapter files in mp3 format, for down- loading and listening to with any media player, such as VLC. The table gives the chapter list and a summary of each chapter’s contents. Click to download.
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Signposts to God - individual chapters (3rd edn.)
Title & Intro
Title and Introduction
Title and introduction. My own situation, and the book’s outline.
Chapter 1
Typical real-life situations that make us all think about God and the fact that he must exist.
Chapter 2
Big and Big-Hearted
The greatness of God and his nature as a God of love.
Chapter 3
The Social God
The Trinity and God’s desire to draw humans into fellowship with him.
Chapter 4
A Foot in the Door
Abraham and the growth of the nation of Israel, which would be key to God’s purposes.
Chapter 5
Breaking Out
The exodus from slavery in Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea.
Chapter 6
The Meeting Place
Israel as God’s people ratified by covenant, and the Tabernacle in their midst.
Chapter 7
Temple and Kingdom
The Jerusalem temple and its purpose. Israel’s hope for the kingdom of God.
Chapter 8
To Babylon and Back
Israel’s exile to Babylon and their longing for Messiah to put things right.
Chapter 9
The Story So Far
A summary of the historical ground covered so far in preparing for Jesus’ arrival.
Chapter 10
The birth of Jesus and the visit of the Magi from the East to pay him homage.
Chapter 11
Who is this Boy?
Jesus as a boy of 12 in Jerusalem. Early signs of his fascinating identity.
Chapter 12
Jesus the Man
Jesus’ public ministry: his teaching, healing power and his forgiving people for their sins.
Chapter 13
Jesus in Jerusalem
Jesus’ clash with the authorities, leading to his arrest and condemnation to death.
Chapter 14
The Cross
What made the crucifixion of Jesus different from all the rest.
Chapter 15
Resurrection…and More!
The case for the resurrection of Jesus, and its uniqueness.
Chapter 16
That Should Have Been Me!
The principle of substitution, and the end of blood sacrifices.
Chapter 17
Victory and Liberty
The passover as a picture of our deliverance from slavery to sin.
Chapter 18
The Priest and his Offering
How the Day of Atonement portrays what Jesus achieved as our great High Priest.
Chapter 19
Exile Over
The Jews’ return from exile in Babylon pictures God’s invitation to us to ‘go home’.
Chapter 20
A Better Kingdom
Jesus as the King of God’s kingdom, with its present and future aspects.
Chapter 21
A Step of Faith
Abraham and the principle of ‘taking God at his word’ for forgiveness and acceptance.
Chapter 22
Through the Water
Baptism, illustrated by the Red Sea crossing, as the authentic step of faith in knowing God.
Chapter 23
Not Guilty!
The concept of ‘justification’ and our being declared ‘not guilty’ in spite of our guilt.
Chapter 24
The Redeemed Community
The important corporate aspect of being a Christian: the church and God among us.
Chapter 25
Journey’s End
Our journey of faith and its glorious end in the ‘new heaven and new earth’.
Recommendation: listen to the whole book, since its chapters are interconnected and often overlap. But if you just want to look up a particular aspect, the following list of chapter-files will at least start you off in the right direction.
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