David Matthew
KERNEWEK - The Cornish Language
I enrolled in Cornish classes shortly after we retired to Cornwall in 2013 and, over several years, passed the four grades of the official examinations, all with Distinction. I then went on to teach the language at the Heamoor Class. In 2022 I was honoured to be made a ‘language bard’ of the Cornish Gorsedh. This is the organisation that fosters all things Cornish and the Celtic connection. The photo shows me being inducted by the Grand Bard, Pol Hodge.
I am a great fan of Cornish, which is one of the Celtic group of languages, like Breton and Welsh. Here you will find items of general interest, plus some resources that learners of the language might find useful. Omlowenhewgh!
Book info, including free downloads of A Poke In The Faith and Signposts to God A selection of book reviews and deliberations on mostly Christian topics If you like people’s life-stories, mine’s here for you to read at leisure A paper giving my perspective on the ‘Restoration’ movement in the UK Summaries of some key books reviewed on my blog pages
You can email me by clicking here.
Information and materials for lovers of the Cornish language
This is the occasion when your bardic name is announced publicly. Mine is Tas Lowen, meaning ‘Contented Father’. I chose that name to reflect what is one of the greatest blessings I enjoy: three wonderful, wise and caring children, who are a huge support and comfort to me and my wife in our old age. The above in Cornish… Yth omrolis yn klassow Kernewek a verr spys wosa ni dhe omdenna dhe Gernow yn 2013. Dres nebes bledhynnyow my a bassyas an peswar gradh a’n apposyansow sodhogel, oll anedha Gans Bri. Alena, y tallethis dyski an yeth dhe Glass An Hay. Yn 2022 enorys veuv pan teuth vy ha bos ‘bardh an yeth’ a’n Orsedh Kernow. Hemm yw an kowethyans a vaga oll an traow kernewek ha’n mell keltek. An skeusen a’m diskwedh ow pos degemerys gans an Bardh Meur, Pol Hodge. Hemm yw an prys mayth yw deklaryes a-rag tus dha hanow bardhek. Ow hanow yw Tas Lowen. Y tewisis an hanow na rag dastewynnya an pyth yw onan a’m brassa benathow: tri flogh marthys, fur ha kuv neb yw skoodhyans kowrek ha konfort dhymm ha dhe’m gwreg y’gan henys.

Useful PDF Resources for Learners -- Asnodhow PDF Dhe Les rag Dyskoryon

Colour-coded Mutation Table

A handy and helpful key to all the mutations, with additional information, an some menemonics

Phrases to learn by heart

Over 2,000 phrases in both Cornish and English that I have culled over the years from grammars, textbooks, novels and other sources. Try doing a page a day. Look at an English phrase; try to translate it into Cornish; then check with the Cornish version.

‘By heart’ phrases with additional info

The same content as the above, but with explanatory grammatical info and alternatives. [Note that I may add to this from time to time. Last updated 5 Oct 2023.]
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Which preposition goes with which verb?

A list of common verbs and the prepositions that follow them, with examples. Originally compiled by Rod Lyon. With his permission put into SWF and further clarified by me, with some help from John Prowse, my teacher and mentor.

Feminine nouns in Cornish

Feminine nouns in Cornish are far less common than masculine ones. Here is a list of all of them in the Learners’ Cornish Dictionary, colour-coded to highlight the common feminine endings.

My bilingual PDF ebook -- Ow elyver diwyethek PDF

Rydh os ta dh’y iskarga ha’y lesranna heb kost. RESTRENNOW AWDYO: rag goslowes orth an lyver ow pos lennys yn Kernewek, gwra klyckya omma.
You may download and distribute it for free. SOUND FILES: to listen to the book being read in Cornish, click here.