David Matthew
Over the years, I have reviewed on my blog site many books on debatable aspects of evangelical faith. I have written synopses of some of the key ones, and these are available for you here.
Click on a book cover to open the synopsis. Files are in PDF, and you are free to download them. Apologies to the authors in advance if I have misrepresented any of their points!
INSPIRATION AND INCARNATION: Evangelicals and the problem of the Old Testament by Peter Enns (Baker Academic, 2005)
Book info, including free downloads of A Poke In The Faith and Signposts to God A selection of book reviews and deliberations on mostly Christian topics If you like people’s life-stories, mine’s here for you to read at leisure A paper giving my perspective on the ‘Restoration’ movement in the UK Summaries of some key books reviewed on my blog pages
BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT: Breaking the Idol of Certainty by Gregory A. Boyd (Baker Books, 2013)
DID GOD KILL JESUS? Searching for Love in History’s most Famous Execution by Tony Jones (HarperOne, 2015)
CHRISTUS VICTOR: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of the Atonement by Gustaf Aulén (Collier Books, 1969)
CROSS VISION: How the Crucifixion of Jesus makes sense of Old Testament Violence by Gregory A. Boyd (Fortress Press, 2017)
DISARMING SCRIPTURE: Cherry-picking Liberals, Violence-loving Conservatives and Why we All need to Learn to read the Bible like Jesus did by Derek Flood (Metanoia Books, 2014)
THE LOST MESSAGE OF PAUL: Has the Church misunderstood the Apostle Paul? by Steve Chalke (HarperOne, 2015)
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GOD CAN’T: How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse and other Evils. by Thomas Jay Oord (SacraSage, 2019)
DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE IN THE CHURCH: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities by David Instone-Brewer (Paternoster, 2003)
NO OTHER NAME: An investigation into the destiny of the unevangelized by John Sanders (Eerdmans, 1992)
KINGDOM CONSPIRACY: Returning to the radical mission of the local church by Scot McKnight (Brazos Press, 2014)
PAUL: Fresh perspectives by N.T. Wright (SPCK, 2005)
THE UNCONTROLLING LOVE OF GOD: An open and relational account of providence by Thomas Jay Oord (IVP Academic, 2015)
HOW GOD BECAME KING: Getting to the heart of the gospels by Tom Wright (HarperOne, 2012)
THE SELFLESS GENE: Living with God and Darwin by Charles Foster (Hodder & Stoughton, 2009)
THE DAY THE REVOLUTION BEGAN: Rethinking the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion by Tom Wright (SPCK, 2016)
THE EVOLUTION OF ADAM: What the Bible does and doesn’t say about human origins by Peter Enns (Brazos Press, 2012)
PAUL WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN: The original message of a misunderstood apostle by Pamela Eisenbaum (HarperCollins, 2009)
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THE WIDENING OF GOD’S MERCY: Sexuality within the biblical story by Christopher B. Hays & Richard B. Hays (Yale University Press, 2024)